Center for Executive Coaching.
One-on-One Certified Leadership & Executive Coach Credential
The Center for Executive Coaching is the leading coaching training & certification company for professionals seeking success as coaches to leaders, executives, managers, and up-and-coming talent – especially in dynamic and complex organizations. We have trained over 2,000 coaches in 32 countries, and now give our members license to use our complete toolkit of two dozen, best practice coaching frameworks. Most coach training programs are not equipped to teach the realities of the market and how to develop solutions that get practical, measurable results for clients. The Center for Executive Coaching is the exception. We are fully accredited with the International Coach Federation as an ACTP, and we also provide training for those who want the Board Certified Coach certification.
If you seek an executive and leadership coach training program that shows you how to work with leaders, executives managers, business owners, up-and-coming-talent, and/or other professionals – and phrases like ‘client satisfaction” “results,” “proven,” “practical,” “real-world,” and “personalized support” are important to you – you are in the right place.
Everything we teach is focused on helping you bring enormous practical value and results to your clients, so that you are successful in turn and feel confident and fulfilled in your coaching practice.
There is no fluff, no academic jargon or endless reading lists, and no pseudoscience. The learning program in Eastern Europe and in Romania gives you the flexibility to learn at your own pace, your own way, and still enjoy all of the practical, client-centered, and results-focused content that sets the Center for Executive Coaching apart. You can join our live sessions with Daiana or listen at your speed to recordings in your member area. You can complete this program in 4-6 months. Simply submit six recordings of you coaching a client, colleague, friend, or member of the program. We review each recording together and by the sixth one our mentoring and support assures that you will demonstrate the competencies required for success in coaching.
By working with a Center for Executive Coaching Master Certified Coach Trainer (“MCCT”), you receive personalized training and coaching to become a Certified Leadership & Executive Coach. Executive Coaching allows you to coach other high-performing professionals to new levels of performance and also bring a coaching culture to your organization.
You will learn directly from our:

Daiana Stoicescu
Faculty Member Daiana Stoicescu, MCC by ICF, executive coach for leaders, with a Master Certified Coach (MCC) Credential by the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Daiana is a pioneer in the coaching world in Eastern Europe, both as an executive and leadership coach and in the many coaching professionals she has trained, and who now look to her as their mentor.

Andrew Neitlich
The Founder and Director of Center for Executive Coaching, After graduating with distinction from Harvard Business School in 1991, Andrew led multi-million dollar consulting engagements for an international consulting firm.
He also rotated as the firm’s Director of Training and Professional Development, responsible for the training and development of 3,200 professionals.

About Founder and Director
Andrew Neitlich.
Andrew Neitlich personally trains each and every member in the program, and leads each and every live teleclass and in-person seminar. After graduating with distinction from Harvard Business School in 1991 (with stints on Wall Street, real estate, and work with micro-businesses in Kenya before then), Andrew led multi-million dollar consulting engagements for an international consulting firm. He also rotated as the firm’s Director of Training and Professional Development, responsible for the training and development of 3,200 professionals.
The shift to coaching happened for Andrew on a client engagement. He had finished presenting a lengthy PowerPoint to the client, making the case that the client had a million-dollar opportunity to improve productivity.
The client thought about the presentation and said, “I knew this would be your conclusion before I hired you.”
Because he had a good relationship with this client, Andrew said, “I’m always curious when a client knows the answer and still hires a consulting firm. May I ask what led you to hire me when you already knew the answer? Was it simply to satisfy your Board?”
The client replied, “No. I am not paying you for your team of analysts or your PowerPoint skills. What I need is someone I can trust, who can be there with me as a sounding board, and help me through the difficult changes I am about to make.”
At that point, Andrew saw the opportunity to shift from a consulting model to a coaching model, and started a coaching practice. After bumbling in the market for a few months, he finally figured out how to market himself as a coach. Soon he was making much more money than as a consultant, didn’t have to travel nearly as much, didn’t have to manage a team of junior consultants, still got to work with great clients, and had more fun in his work than ever before.
When some of his former colleagues saw his success and noticed that he was smiling a lot more as a coach than he ever did as a consultant, they asked him to teach them how to be coaches. When these initial colleagues started referring people to him for coach training, the Center for Executive Coaching was truly born. The Center has experienced significant growth since its inception, with members in 27 countries around the world, accreditation with the ICF as an ACTP, and frequent requests for trainings. However, Andrew insists on limiting membership and keeping the Center for Executive Coaching small in order to provide highly personalized support to members.
The emphasis of the Center for Executive Coaching has always been different than what most other coach training programs offer. We do not teach fluffy concepts. We are not theoretical. Everything we do is grounded in getting practical results for clients and providing at least 5-10 times our coaching fees in value. In addition, thanks in part to his initial struggles marketing his own coaching practice, Andrew has become an expert at helping aspiring coaches and advisors avoid initial mistakes and build a thriving practice — whether as solo professionals, firm builders, or internal coaches seeking credibility in their own organizations. This practical, results-driven emphasis has given us an edge in the market while also attracting a group of accomplished, smart, and dynamic professionals as members.
Andrew has written a number of books about leadership and coaching, including The Way to Coach Executives and Elegant Leadership: Simple Strategies, Remarkable Results (both of which are proprietary textbooks for Center for Executive Coaching members). In partnership with Guerrilla Marketing Founder he co-authored Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career, and Guerrilla Marketing for Coaches.
Today, in addition to leading the Center for Executive Coaching, Andrew continues to run his busy coaching practices (current focus includes leaders of technology companies, emerging technology ventures, non-profit organizations and foundations, academic institutions, and professional service firms). These experiences keep the training program fresh, with frequent case studies and new materials.
He is known for his humor, getting to the point, talking straight, and doing whatever he can to help his clients and members succeed. He pledges to be responsive to members and generous with his time, and takes that pledge seriously.
Andrew plays tennis as often as he can, reads lots of detective novels, and enjoys life in Sarasota, Florida with his wife and three children.

About Faculty Member
Daiana Stoicescu.
Daiana Stoicescu is an executive coach for leaders, with a Master Certified Coach (MCC) Credential by the International Coach Federation (ICF), a Master Certified Coach Trainer (MCCT), Coach Supervisor and a Registered ICF Mentor Coach. She was also the President of the ICF Romania Chapter until 2019.
As a Master Certified Coach (MCC), she works with leaders-from startup entrepreneurs to C-level executives- who have bold visions and who play for high stakes.
As a Master Certified Coach Trainer (MCCT) with the Center for Executive Coaching (CEC) she is Certified to train other executives and managers to become Certified Executive Coaches. She does this through one-on-one or group coaching and under the review and standards of the Center for Executive Coaching.
As a Certified Mentor Coach by ICF, she is certified to offer mentor coaching programs for coaches interested in applying or renewing their ACC (Associate Certified Coach), PCC (Professional Certified Coach), or MCC (Master Certified Coach) Credential and need the required 10 hours of mentoring.
As a Coach Supervisor she works with leaders and entrepreneurs that take their work seriously enough to set up a reflective space where they can review that work, learn from it and apply that learning when they return to it. She also works with coaches who bring their work to another individual/or group in order to learn how to do that work better. One way of describing what coaching supervision does is to think of it as a process of Reflection, Insight and Support.
As a Leadership Embodiment Associate Coach (LE) she develops centered, powerful leadership. Centered leadership incorporates mindful interest in the situation, the ability to shift from reactive reflexes to responsive choices. Working with the body directly is a straightforward way of accessing the more skillful, effective and compassionate responses to stress. During LE coach sessions, we explore our habitual reactions to stressful situations, then learn and practice LE techniques that shift the way we sit and stand to give us greater access to our innate capacity for wisdom, confidence and compassion.
As a Systemic Team Coach she enables individuals and teams to identify and resolve their challenges over a program lasting seven to nine months – resulting in deeper learning and more sustainable change. It usually involves coaching the team together as well as one-to-one coaching for individuals.

My Pledge to You.
I will personally provide the highest level of personal support possible, including one-on-one discussions and a rapid turnaround time in responding to your requests and questions.
I am a Master Certified Coach (MCC) by International Coach Federation (ICF) and Faculty Member for Center for Executive Coaching in Romania.
I will help you achieve your specific goals and aspirations as a leading executive coach and advisor.
Once you join the program, you are a member for life. I don’t just cut you loose after you graduate.
You now have all of the information you need to make a decision. The bottom line: If you are a good fit for this program and become a member, I will go out of my way to help you succeed as an executive coach, feel confident and competent, and turn your passion for coaching into success. If you think there is a fit, call me now at 0040-730.177.495, or email me at [email protected] to set up a meeting.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you.
Daiana Stoicescu
Faculty Member for The Center for Executive Coaching

ICF Accredited ACTP Training Program Made Easy.
How it works step by step